Pier Into the Depths

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Inner Child

Whether you like to admit it or not, we all have our inner child. Some more then others. No matter how old you are or how much you may dislike children, when a little girl hands you one of her baby dolls and asks you to baby sit, not only do you sit there and cradle the doll like it was a living infant, but you may even find yourself bouncing it as if your trying to quiet it from the fussing its not making, or (in more severe cases) talking to it in a high-pitched, squeaky, baby-talk voice. Even people who may be considered quite mature let their inner child come out when they see or hear something about their favorite childhood past-times.

    For me, my inner child breaks free when it comes to pirates and princesses. Most people however, would still consider me a child since I am still in my teenage years, but my love for pirates and princesses continues to grow. My child-like fascinations for them has inspired other passions of mine- sailing, the sea, ships, travel, and Disney (which let's be real, nobody is ever too old for Disney.) And I think for the majority of us, a lot of the decisions that we make as adults, the jobs and careers we choose, who we become, etc, are influenced by the things we like and do as a child that are carried with us and form our inner child when we are older....if that makes sense.
   So before you start thinking "Who would be obsessed with pirates?! Wtf?" Let me clarify: I am not commending or supporting the stealing, murderous ways of pirates who sail the seas commandeering ships and killing anyone they come in contact with. In fact, that is not even why I like them so much. I like them for their self-confidence, independence, their mindset of "I'm going to do whatever I want whenever the hell I want to do it," and their determination. Everyday brings a new and different adventure for them, and when one adventure ends, another one begins. Now don't get me wrong, pirates do have selfish and detestable moments (especially as depicted by Hollywood) but of course, there are different ways to look at that. I think that today, selfishness, self respect, self love, self awareness, and being self sustaining, get confused a lot. To me, someone who takes time for themselves and does what they need to do for them is not the same thing as being self-centered or selfish. It's having self respect. It's knowing oneself and doing what is necessary to manifest success and happiness. They put themselves first which, in a way, shows that they have self respect. If what i'm saying doesn't make sense or if you don't agree, I think one thing most of us can agree on is that Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the all time greatest movies of the 21st century. And let's not even get in to the topic of Johnny Depp!
  My princess obsession, on the other hand, came out of no where. In fact, I don't really remember where it came from. All I know is that I have a...very serious...obsession with Disney and Disney Princesses. I say Disney Princesses because that's the extent of my princess obsession. I am not the princess obsessor who can name almost every princess since the beginning in time and who has flash cards and quizzes herself (although, if that is you, I applaud you. That takes some dedication right there) but I do love each of the Disney Princesses and the lessons and characteristics they teach children. Though they are fairy tales, and they tend to give us false expectations of how love, life, and hair should be, there are good, valuable lessons that can be taken from each and every story. Personally, I'd rather have my theoretical kids watch Disney movies and be influenced by them then most of today's TV shows. I'm sure that the inner child in most of you can relate to my obsessions (maybe not pirates or princesses) but to small childhood memories and things that you may still hold dear. Even though childhood can be a difficult subject for some people, I personally think that there has to be at least something that each one of us has taken from our childhood and used it to help shape them to be the person they are today.
   Before I became cyber-schooled, my friends at my old school often called me "pirate girl" or the "pirate princess," hence the name of this blog.  Since becoming cyber-schooled, I have discovered more of myself and how to have self love. My motivation for creating this blog was to create a vessel of my inner light. It is a place for me to share my passions for consciousness; both health and social. My goals are to inspire, educate, and lend a helpful, loving hand to anyone willing to receive it.
As Walt Disney said:
"Adults are only kids grown up"   


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